Promoting an inclusive, "whole-of-society" anti-corruption approach that engages a broader network of an organisation's stakeholders for sustainable ethical ecosystems.

In today’s complex governance landscape, state-owned companies (SOCs) play a pivotal role in post-apartheid South Africa's economic development, social equity, and national progress. However, corruption and unethical practices can significantly undermine these contributions, eroding public trust and impeding operational efficiency. The Framework for an Anti-Corruption Intervention (F4SACI) provides a comprehensive approach to fostering ethical citizenship, improving integrity, and embedding a culture of accountability within SOCs. This framework seeks to address the unique challenges faced by SOCs by establishing robust anti-corruption structures, enhancing ethical awareness, and empowering employees to speak up. By aligning with an SOC's ethics ecosystem and expanding upon its core principles, this framework offers an actionable blueprint for sustainable, transparent governance in SOCs.
Ethical Awareness and Resilience​
Development of an Ethics Ecosystem
Empowering and Encouraging Whistleblowing
Recognising Champions of Ethical Conduct
Internal Safe Spaces for Whistleblowers
Ethics Heatwave Survey
Community Ethics Outreach
Organised Labour Engagement

This framework is designed to enhance an SOC's ethics ecosystem by deepening the focus on ethical behaviour and compliance within the procurement process and across all interactions. By aligning with an SOC’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, the framework ensures that ethical standards are woven into the fabric of its business processes, thereby promoting a sustainable, transparent, and integrity-focused culture.
​In synergy with Public Interest SA’s Justice in Energy Transition Project, this framework supports fair, responsible use of public resources with a specific focus on electricity and energy consumption. The commitment to anti-corruption aligns with broader goals of energy justice, ensuring equitable access to energy resources and fostering responsible stewardship of South Africa’s energy infrastructure.​
To learn more about the F4SACI project, please send us an email enquiry to f4saci@publicinterest.org.za