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There is no higher order of ethical and active citizenship than whistleblowing.

Message by the Convenor

​In a world where silence often feels like the safer choice, the courage to speak out against wrongdoing stands as the ultimate act of integrity. The Whistleblowers Awards & Summit is not just a celebration of those who have dared to expose corruption; it is a tribute to the extraordinary bravery that transforms societies. Whistleblowers and heroes of integrity are the torchbearers of transparency, justice, and ethical governance. They remind us that truth is not just an ideal but a responsibility—a responsibility we must all share if we are to create a world grounded in fairness and accountability.


As has become tradition, I will use this occasion to honour our Heroes of Integrity—individuals who stood unwavering in defence of justice and accountability during times when our democratic values faced their most severe tests.


As we gather to honour these heroes, let us reflect on the profound impact one voice can make. Each whistleblower represents a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of individual action in shaping the future. Their courage calls upon all of us to be more vigilant, more vocal, and more committed to the truth.


Together, we can build a society that values transparency, rewards integrity, and holds power accountable. It is my deepest belief that whistleblowing is the highest form of ethical and active citizenship. It is not an easy path, but it is the right one—and it is the path that leads us toward a more just and equitable world.


Let this event inspire us all to stand firm in the face of injustice and to support those who risk everything to make our world better."



Tebogo Khaas, Convenor of the Whistleblowers Awards & Summit 

Let's make our democracy work!

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